Saturday, June 20, 2009


I used to try a lot to save everything from tearing apart
I tried a lot to get use to and understand your way, your thinking, you life enviroment...
I knew you loved me...
Yet...I fail.... I could not do that anymore...
We aren't the right one for each other
I don't want to let you down...
I would rather hurt myself
I tried a lot not to have an urly breaking up...
Whatever you said before...I still respect you...cuz I used to love you so...
But you turned everything down... You don't know... You still don't understand...
It's too much for me... it reached my limitation...
That's all... nothing even respectability remains in me...
I used to regret that I lost your love... I lost the one who truly love me... lost the family that love me a lot.... lost the happy moment when I fail in love with you... lost the beautiful period when you held me in you arm...
Nothing now...
Nothing but Good Bye!!!
Thanks for everything...thanks for your love...thanks for holding me back from hell!!!
Good Bye....!!!
Midway CA 92655
Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen

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