Monday, January 25, 2010

Fragrance of lotus.

I have no idea that why Hanoi people love lotus flowers so much. Maybe because of the simple and delicate beauty of them.

Each time bloom season comes, nearly every families in Hanoi at least once time have a vase of lotus in home to enjoy the pleasant scent, the feeling of ease and the elegance that lotus brings to their houses.

Very hard to find any kind of flowers carries inward the beauty is so unobstrusive and delicate as lotus.

Lotus blossoms in summer. And opposite to the heat, opposite to the hustle and bustle of streets and districts, lotus still blooms, bring to our life the colour is so beautiful, so peaceful outstanding on the green background of leaves.

Besides, lotus has many effects. Lotus bub is a kind of traquillizer. Lotus seed is ingredient to make many identity dishes of Hanoi, like: Lotus tea, lotus rice, duck stewed with lotus… etc. Even the stamen of lotus is also used to scent black-tea to make its flavour more tasty.

Hanoi people arrange specially lotus flowers in a vase. Very hardly lotus flowers are arranged with any another kind of flowers or something like that. If yes, they are only keeped together with lotus leaves.

Lotus grows in many areas of Asia. But in here, it becomes to a symbol. Symbol of Vietnam in general and Hanoi in particular. Lotus, the piquant charm of Vietnam.

Midway City,CA 92655
Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen

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