Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hot Springs in Mountain Side

It was very nice to have bathing outside.
High altitude of 1500 meters, temperature is around 15-20 even in Summer where I stayed.
When the sky getting dark blue, bathing at outside is really romantic.
You will listen just the sound of water streaming and bird singing while watching the shadow of mountains in the silence.
Much hot water is continually coming into the huge big bathtub.
In the comfortable warm spring water ( around 37-40 degrees what I like ), you will think " Is this a real ? ... or maybe I'm dreaming!
"Such kind of water temperature, it's nice to bathing in tub around 30 min in each time...but it's good to do 3-4 times or more in a day.
You will see the lounge for cooling down and enjoy some beverages.

Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen
Midway City, CA92655

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