Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It has been such a long time since I last thought and wrote something for myself. However, it's hard for me to delete my old blog and start a new one.
Some of my friends told me: "Nguyen, why don't you turn back to what you used to love?". I simply answered that I had been bored. To be honest, it was not what I really thought. At the time I had my first blog, writing what I think down into words is the most stupid way to describe how my heart goes and how my mind is shaped everyday. But since I had my first shock in my life, I wasn't interested in writing blog any longer. Now I seem to forget it and enjoy sharing my feelings again.....
Right now in front of the computer screen is a straight face staring fixedly at white background and fingers running continuously on the keyboard. I don't know which way to start my blog again, to describe what is inside my mind out into words.... Summer break is coming soon. Hope all you guys enjoy a wonderful holiday beside Ur family, Ur friends and someone....
Listen and enjoy the life!

Midway City, CA 92655
Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen

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