Thursday, May 13, 2010

Two French women write travel journal in Vietnam - vietnam travel

Catherine Hor and Marie Pierre Jourdain spent five years as back-packers in Vietnam to discover over 40 craft villages around Hanoi. They are continuing their travels to get material for their book entitled “Carnets de route tonkinois” (Route Journal in North Vietnam), the second volume.

Coming to Vietnam in September 2002 as tourists, the two French women visited many craft villages with their notebooks, pens and digital cameras. They recorded their feelings about each place they visited. The two women then thought of publishing their thoughts and feelings as a book. They searched for information about Hanoi and craft villages on the Internet, through French books and documents. With a map, they made field trips to craft villages every one or two months.
Catherine can’t speak Vietnamese. Marie can only speak several sentences, but they still went around Hanoi to discover Vietnamese culture and Vietnamese craft villages.
The 70-page “Carnets de route tonkinois”, volume 1 has many photos and necessary information to help foreign visitors travel and survey Vietnam themselves.
The two French women introduced their book on March 13 to some Italian and French people who are working and living in Hanoi, on the occasion of the Italian Culture Week in Vietnam. Through projects, they introduced photos about four places, the ancient village of Duong Lam, Mia pagoda, Cau Thiet stone processing village and Thay pagoda.
The two French women completed their book with a Vietnamese student. The English edition of “Carnets de route tonkinois” will be published soon. They will continue their trips to many other craft villages this year and next year to get material for their second book about Vietnam.
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen

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