Friday, April 9, 2010

Bún riêu -Vietnamese food

Though I can eat all types of western food now (except Gorgonzola cheese which contains the fungus), it doesn't mean i forget my Vietnamese food which always makes me so mouth- watering when i randomly check out some Vietnamese food blogs
The dish i proudly present today is called "bún riêu" I remember when i was small i could eat this type of noodle soup day after day but never got bored.
The soup came from Hanoi-the North of Vietnam. It was very simple with tomato and minced crab in spices (*I have no idea how to call it, nowadays, in supermarket, we can find this type of food in cans; though traditionally, people minced the whole small crap in pieces including their shells, then we mix that mixture with a quantity of water, and strain them through a net, or a thick basket just to have the water mixed with tiny tiny pieces of crab meat. AFter that, we cook that water in low heat, little by little, the slightly foam of crap appears on top --> we have a real crap soup). by the way, after a long development, bún riêu has become "richer" with meat stock, pork tails, tofu, chả lụa (a type of bologne/mortadella), ... Some substitute crab with a mixture of minced dried shrimps with beaten eggs, maybe it is more economical and less time-consuming. For serving, just like the other traditional Vietnamese foods, we aways have bún riêu with a large selection of vegetable, a slice of lemon, and one thing very very special: mắm tôm - shrimp paste I know a number of people who cannot stand its smell including my husband, but that's what make bún riêu so special and unforgettable

Because of the limited access to Asian ingredients, it is very difficult for me to manage a bowl of bun riêu in Italy But i made it anyway!

Bún riêu made from dried shrimp, stock, mortadella, tofu, and noodle

Midaway City, CA92655
Written by Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen

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