Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My thoughts on Life after Death...

         What makes you unique is your personal beliefs and the experiences you have had in your lifetime. Your personality, your character, your very being all depend on what you choose to believe and choose not to. A belief that is extremely vital to the way one lives day to day their beliefs on life after death. Going to a Catholic school for many years pushes many beliefs on you that aren’t necessarily yours.
        From a young age I was told there was a God in heaven and we would join him one day if we lived a virtuous life. And, for much of my early years I never questioned this. That was until one fateful day during my 8th year at elementary school. I’m not sure how the first thought on the topic came to my mind; I only know that when it did nothing else mattered. The thought was, “What if life after death is all a misconception? What if all our beliefs are false, and when we do die it really is the end? Death isn’t even unconsciousness, it’s less than that.” I can remember pondering this question diligently at school and trying hard to search within myself to find answers. Soo......

Midway City, CA 92655
Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen

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