Friday, September 25, 2009

When you are gone
The pain is still there when I talk to you,
Your still in my thoughts when I cry.
You still make me laugh when I am sad,
although you are the one,
who put me in this sea no chance of a smile finding me.
The tears are always there,
at night,my Teddy-bears always there to hug,when you never are.
The words always come, when I think of how stupid I was.
The longing is always there,when you are ne'er.
And yes you took the pain when I was sad.
And yes you gave it back magnified, and multiplied.
So yes I am mad.
Not at you but at myself for falling for a lie.
Midway City, CA 92655
Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Childhood Asthma

Asthma is a disease affecting the airways that carry air to and from your lungs. People who suffer from this chronic condition (long-lasting or recurrent) are said to be asthmatic.
The inside walls of an asthmatic's airways are swollen or inflamed. This swelling or inflammation makes the airways extremely sensitive to irritations and increases your susceptibility to an allergic reaction.
As inflammation causes the airways to become narrower, less air can pass through them, both to and from the lungs. Symptoms of the narrowing include wheezing (a hissing sound while breathing), chest tightness, breathing problems, and coughing. Asthmatics usually experience these symptoms most frequently during the night and the early morning.
For information on the different causes of asthma (allergy, colds, stress, exercise, etc)
Asthma is an incurable illness. However, with good treatment and management there is no reason why a person with asthma cannot live a normal and active life.
An asthma episode, or an asthma attack, is when symptoms are worse than usual. They can come on suddenly and can be mild, moderate or severe.
What happens during an asthma attack?
The muscles around your airways tighten up, narrowing the airway.
Less air is able to flow through the airway.
Inflammation of the airways increases, further narrowing the airway.
More mucus is produced in the airways, undermining the flow of air even more.
In some asthma attacks, the airways are blocked such that oxygen fails to enter the lungs. This also prevents oxygen from entering the blood stream and traveling to the body's vital organs. Asthma attacks of this type can be fatal, and the patient may require urgent hospitalization.
Asthma attacks can be mild, moderate, severe and very severe. At onset, an asthma attack does allow enough air to get into the lungs, but it does not let the carbon dioxide leave the lungs at a fast enough rate. Carbon dioxide - poisonous if not expelled - can build up in the lungs during a prolonged attack, lowering the amount of oxygen getting into your bloodstream.
If you suffer from asthma you should see your doctor. He/she will help you find out what triggers your asthma symptoms and how to avoid them. You will also be prescribed medications which will help you manage your asthma.
With experience you will learn to keep away from things that irritate your airways, know when to take your medication, and better control your asthma. Effective asthma control allows you to take part in normal everyday activities
If you don't control your asthma you will miss school or work more often and you will be less likely to be able to take part in some activities you enjoy. In the USA and Western Europe, asthma is one of the leading causes of school absenteeism
Midway City, CA92655
Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen

About My Veterinary Medicine...

In this my essay, I want to discuss the evolution of veterinary medicine It will touch upon the past, present, and future requirements the education and professional values of the trusted veterinary doctor.As with other disciplines of medical studies, the science of veterinary medicine is always changing. The diseases that were treated in the past have either been virtually erased from the world today, or have morphed themselves into more dangerous and threatening diseases. This creates demand on the veterinarian to constantly change their ways of treating common, and not-so-common diseases. Before the Renaissance, having a doctor for the animals was generally unwanted. As far as the people of the times were concerned, if the animal looked healthy on the outside, they must be fine on the inside as well. In the 1700's, veterinary medicine was taken more seriously.
The first school for people who wanted to become an “animal doctor” was opened in France around 1762. Their studies were focused upon livestock, such as horses and cows. In 1879, the first American school to offer veterinary medicine opened. As with the school in France, they focused primarily on livestock, but soon changed their purview to include companion animals as well. The names of these schools were not available, but the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University was founded in 1894, before the rest of Cornell University was opened. A similarity between Cornell University then and other veterinary schools today are who became, or becomes, part of their medical program: They must be scholars. At that time, the requirement to become eligible for veterinary was a high school diploma, which is the equivalent then to an associate degree today. There were only eleven students in the first class of veterinary science at Cornell University. Women were still taking care of their families during the late 1800's, but a few still found their way into vet school. Veterinarians in the past were not able to work on Sundays, along with other professionals. The only exception to this law was if there was a life or death situation, or to distribute medicine to alleviate the symptoms of a suffering animal. This New Hampshire law was revoked in 1973.
Today, in order to become a veterinarian you follow different educational guidelines in the past. For example, you need more than a high school diploma to go to Medical School.
Any person who goes to medical school today has already taken undergraduate courses for at least two years. Most students becoming doctors, whether in veterinary medicine or another discipline, have gone to college for four years. Some classes offered to help people on their way are chemistry, physics, biology, Mammalian Embryology, and Microbiology. Mammalian Embryology is the study of the development of the fetus in mammals. All of these courses further enhance the understanding on how the bodies of all animals work.
There are many laws regarding those who practice veterinary medicine. One law in New Hampshire, is that doctors must take an exam once every five years. The exam is based on common practices in vet school. It tests the individuals on the knowledge of laws and rules for them to practice medicine in New Hampshire. The test includes a written exam, an interview, and a practical exam. If the individual fails the exam, they have to retake the exam, which is offered twice a year. They are responsible for any registration fees. If they pass the exam, they are licensed to practice medicine for 5 years.
Today there are many different areas of study within veterinary medicine.
Anesthesiologists monitor the sedatives and tranquilizers during surgeries, when an animal is in pain, or in emergencies. Cardiologists monitor the heart. Dentistry is the study of the teeth and gums. Dermatology is the study of skin.
Surgeons make incisions to save animals in emergencies or for preventive reasons. For example, a surgeon may spay a cat to prevent the birth of unwanted animals. Radiologists take pictures of the inside of the body. The pictures are known as X-rays, MRI’s, and ultrasounds.
Theriogenology is the study of the reproduction of animals. The pharmacologist distributes prescription drugs. All of these areas of study contribute to the veterinary doctor. A doctor is usually an expert in a combination of all of these fields. The medical world is changing everyday; the veterinary field is no different. One of the biggest, and most questioned new ideals is the use of naturopathic medicine. Naturopathic medicine is the use of items occurring in nature to treat diseases and illnesses.
The future of veterinary medicine is predicted to be based more around medicines that occur through natural growth. One of the new methods that are starting to be a big hit in the United States is Homeopathy.Homeopathy was discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700's to early 1800's. He noticed the “principles of homeopathy” when he experimented with the theory that “Peruvian Bark cured Malaria because of its bitterness”.
The experiment proved the theory to be true. Homeopathy is claimed to treat the whole person, rather than just their symptoms. It is claimed that if you use a product that brings about symptoms similar to the disease, then you are permanently cured from that disease. For example, Peruvian bark, also known as China, caused Dr. Hahnemann to develop symptoms of Malaria. But the body became immune to these symptoms, and the Malaria bacteria was “quickly and permanently” destroyed.The medical field will continue to change. Where we will be in five years is still a mystery. All these changes will bring about new cures, as well as new diseases.
Midway City,CA 92655
Thu Nhat Anh Nguyen